One point that Mr. Montague points out in his article is that farmers who use these patented seeds must buy new seed from Monsanto every year. A farmer who fails to retain traditional seeds of his own would become solely dependent upon Monsanto for their seed every year.
An investigation by Donald C. Barlett and James B. Steele as released by vanity Fair in May of 2008, tells of Monsanto's threats to anyone who is even suspect of planting their G.M. (genetically modified) seeds.
An article printed by Organic Consumers Association states that Monsanto is putting normal seeds out of reach.
There are also two other companies that are coming into a close second to Monsanto. Dupont and Syngenta is also a forward thinking group that is also aligned to make an impact in seed market domination. I chuckle when I go to the feed store, or a large department store and I see Northrup King seeds as the predominate seed that the common gardener picks up to plant in their garden.
Folks...Northrup King seeds is not the same company that it was back in 1940. Northrup King seeds is a division of the Syngenta company. If you look on the package of most every seed that they put out...it uses the label Hybrid. These seeds are genetically modified to resist bugs, weather and certain chemicals. It seems that they can resist everything but a tornado or flash flood.
If you are not familiar with Hybrid seeds, then it would be in your best interest to research what the term Hybrid means. In most cases it is lower nutrient content and your ability to glean seeds from the plant is futile. They will produce seeds, but in most cases they are dormant.
Monsanto does seem to have more than just controlling the worlds seed supply as their goal; they are also the makers of Roundup. This product has been the best selling herbicide for the last 30 years. Now (to make it easier on the farmer) Monsanto has now even genetically modified their soybeans to be resistant to Roundup. This seems like a match made in heaven.
The Roundup can be sprayed directly onto the soybeans with the intention of killing the weeds that's growing in and around them without harm to the beans. Aren't you happy for the farmers that grow these beans? They get to save some time and money and you get to eat the Roundup. And we wonder why Cancer is on the rise!
I could go on about Monsanto, Dupont and Syngenta for pages; however, the point that I make with this article is to start planting your garden with Heirloom Seeds. Heirloom Seeds has a great assortment and they are reasonable. You can click on their site right here and see that they have a full assortment of heirlooms. You can purchase heirlooms from them and then start saving your own seeds from your own crops.
I've been asked the question about what Heirloom Seeds are. The best way to explain it is that they have been around for centuries and are what God created. And personally I don't think that Monsanto can top that...no matter how hard they try. Don't be fooled by seeds that promote faster growth, bug-resistant and earlier crops. More than likely these are Hybrids and they won't give you the nutrition that your body really needs.
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